The window will disappear, as will the folder called Locker. Part 4. Double-click the folder where you created the Locker. You can do this from the File Explorer at any time. This is the folder that contains the file called FolderLocker. A black window will appear, asking you to enter the password. This brings back the Locker folder, which is now accessible. Edit the value to 0; 5. Go to Control Panel and uninstall Folder Lock.
Not Helpful 19 Helpful 6. Will deleting folderlocker. Type this into command prompt: cd "" attrib -h -s "Control Panel. Not Helpful 6 Helpful 1. Have locked folders on a USB but after they are locked can still search with a file extension eg.
Not much point locking them. Chris Gootos. What's the logic to lock the folders? To not allow access to files or to completely hide the folder from search parameters? You can right-click, then properties, then on the bottom you can choose "hide"; however, you're probably best off by restricting the permissions of the folders to access only by you through the System Permissions of the file or folder.
Not Helpful 1 Helpful 4. What's to prevent someone unauthorized from accessing the lock. There is nothing stopping them from opening the word. It seems as if the optimal goal is to keep unauthorized users from seeing the content, so put the password protected file in a restricted access folder. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 1. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 0.
Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Do not use a password with a space, it may create an issue with the batch file. For the first time usage, it will ask you to set a password to prevent others from accessing this application. Just enter the password to open main interface. Select a folder and file you want to lock and press OK.
Now you'll notice the selected folder or file has disappeared from its former location. Click here to download Folder Password Protect. When the download is completed, double-click the folder-protect. Folder Password Protect is user friendly. The wizard will guide you through easy steps for locking folders with a password. Alternatively, you can lock folders from Windows Explorer. To lock a folder, just right-click it in Windows Explorer and select the Protect Now option from the right-click menu.
To unlock a protected folder, double-click it in the right pane of Windows Explorer and enter the password. You do not have to use the NTFS file system. You use the program to set passwords on the folders of your choice. This software requires microsoft.
NET Framework 2. If you do not have it installed on your PC, download and install the framework from Microsoft website. Free download My folder , install, password protect and lock folder in windows vista. Your email address will not be published.