It is simple and easy if you can follow the step-by-step process. After completing the task, turn on the main water supply. Check for leaks and make sure water runs smoothly and quickly.
Utility sink enhances the beauty of your laundry room or garage area. Table of Contents show. Step 2: Measuring For Drain. Step 3: Cutting and smoothing drainpipe. Step 5: Locating Water Sources. Step 6: Adding Pipe Splitter. Step 7: Connect Hoses. Final Verdict. Turn counterclockwise until the nut is disengaged. You may need to remove a washer or connecting piece that holds the drain in place. Use your hand or the pipe wrench to free the sink from this connection. Cut the knockouts from the faucet area of the new tub.
Use your utility knife to open the holes where the faucet will mount. The plastic is typically thinner in this area and easily cut with a razor blade. Turn the tub rear side up and set one of the legs into place at a corner of the tub.
Set a piece of scrap wood over the foot of the leg and pound with a hammer or mallet until the leg is secure. The wood will protect the tub's leg from damage.
Repeat until you install all of the legs. Flip the tub back over and set the new faucet into the mounting area. As long as the laundry room has enough space for a sink and a water supply and proper drainage are accessible, you can likely install a utility sink, particularly if you already have some plumbing experience. As an advanced project, this task relies on some experiencing and understanding of plumbing.
If you're new to DIY or unfamiliar with the steps and skills required to complete this project, consider hiring an experience professional. Rerouting, extending, or otherwise changing your home's hot and cold water supply lines, plus drainage, may trigger permitting or other code-related actions.
Turn off the home's main water supply line. Before opening the wall, turn off all circuit breakers controlling any wires that may run through the walls. The placement of the utility sink within your laundry room is based both on where you want it and where it will best fit. In terms of logistics, laundry room utility sinks should be placed close to work areas. The best fit for the sink is usually close to the washer since this is a source of hot and cold water and a drain point.
If drywall is covering the wall behind the washer and dryer, concealing the plumbing lines, you will need to remove key sections of drywall. It is not necessary to remove drywall on the entire wall. With the stud finder, locate the position of the studs extending from the current supply and drainage points to the area where you intend to locate the laundry utility sink. With the utility knife, slice through the drywall tape joining full sheets of drywall to each other.
Remove the sheet by turning out the drywall screws and then prying back the sheet. Cover the front of each hole by hammering metal stud protector plates into the studs.
Cut into the washer's hot and cold copper supply lines with the copper pipe cutter. Sometimes drains become really difficult to remove and require a friction drain removal tool. These are handy when the inside cross piece of the drain is broken off or has corroded away. Edmond Bathtub Refinishing provides tile and bathtub resurfacing and reglazing to the Greater Oklahoma City Metro Area within a mile radius.
We guarantee our workmanship for 5 years and have refinished hundreds of tubs in Oklahoma. Income is generated on EdmondBathtubRefinishing. See our privacy policy for more information.