That link does not work. It links to megaupload which has been shut down. Every torrent I find is a. I'd really like to give whited00r a try but I can't find 3. Quote from: idiot on January 15, , AM. Thanks for the help. I have a 1G iPod Touch. That site doesn't have 3. I am not entirely sure that they are for the 1st generation iPod Touch, but even if these two are not, I still may be able to obtain an IPSW for you.
Notify me if these do not work, I will try to find you one that does work if these do not. I hope they work though! Found a copy here. Quote from: madbloke on January 16, , PM. Tom Campbell aboynamedtom. I downloaded the above. As I click on it to open it, it automatically opens Itunes What should I do next?
Thanks for your help. Show 20 more comments. Thank you! I spent a couple of hours googling and trying things to restore my 1st gen iPod touch that my kid forgot the passcode for. Finally came across this thread.
Thanks so much for putting this, the most recent and final! Because it was jailbreaked, I decided to restore it and it just stopped working and syncing with iTunes. Trying to put it in DFU and restore with iTunes, wouldn't work and I was trying to find a solution for a couple of days.
You need to hold down option not Shift, hopefully leart78 will update that note. Thank you for the information it is finally restoring, this has been dead for years because my child forgot the passcode and passing this on to my daughter. Show 1 more comment. Muhamad sirfixalot This is probably because the 1st Gen can not be upgraded to ios They only way to restore it is to find some way to download the maximum version of iTunes that the first gen can accept, then it will restore.
The maximum ios the 1st gen ipod can receive is OS 3. I have no idea where or how you could safely download that version to your computer so just be careful and do some more research.
Hope this was helpful! Thanks for the info. I downloaded iOS 3. Thanks, that was very helpful after spending hours with bad advice, lots of companies trying to get money out of me hidden behind a bunch of "free" aps. This unlocked and removed the passcode and updated the iPod max in one step! Allison Leonard.
Unfortunately that firmware isn't the right one. I haven't found the correct one, but you need to find something like: iPod1,1. I'm in the same boat as you, and I read in another forum that downgrading to an older version of iTunes might help.
I'm not sure yet, but as soon as I know one way or the other, I'll definitely give you an update! Sooo I tried iTunes I used the following iPod firmware:. It worked like a charm. Give that a go and you should be sitting pretty. Just remember if you have new software to follow the right procedures to go backwards. JohnD dllhell. To restore any. Mike Hopkins. Jason Penner. I had the same problem, so I decided to research myself a little.
Copy this address into your browser and wait until it downloads. Sorry, but after I download, and open the zip file. Still try to update or restore Ipod, and same error appears