With his penchant for taking your box office dollars, while maiming and killing all those around him, Jiggy and his movies make for a great Halloween tradition. So we figured we'd celebrate the release of Saw V with a look at the 10 greatest Jigsaw quotes. Partake but watch out for spoilers. Getting Jiggy With It: In the opening scene of the very first Saw film, Jigsaw is introduced to the world - and the film's two main captive characters, Dr. Lawrence Gordon Cary Elwes and Adam Faulkner Leigh Whannell - via tape recordings left in the run-down "cell" where we find our pair of confused abductees.
Having awoken in the strange place, chained to the wall and with no idea where they are or what they're doing there, they each find audiotapes with foreboding messages from Jigsaw.
On Adam's tape, we hear the above quote, a prophetic message of the killer's standard operating procedure that would follow for several films to come… Have you seen Saw III?
YES NO. Was this article informative? In This Article. Also in 's Saw , we get to see one of the best plot twists in horror movie history. Jigsaw clearly enjoys using puzzles and he normally requires his victims to put the pieces together while he stays far away.
But in this movie, Adam Faulkner finds out that Jigsaw was in the cell all along. The villain was quietly lying on the floor pretending to be dead. The other victims ended up thinking that the dead body belonged to another person that had been killed. All along the audience didn't know who Jigsaw's face really looked like but when he stands, it all becomes clear that fans have a different level of a psychopath on their screens.
This statement is quite relevant given that most of Jigsaw's games are meant to test how much people value their own lives. Will they do anything to stay alive?
Even if it means killing another person? Well, the people in the two ships in The Dark Knight really proved that they wouldn't survive in a Saw movie.
They all refused Joker's offer to blow each other up in order to survive. This statement was said to Amanda after she survived the test. She really did value her life but she came out broken in the end. Everyone in Jigsaw's chamber always ended up broken or dead.
Most of the time, they ended up dead. Jigsaw didn't hesitate to explain to his ever victims what was at stake. But Dr. Gordon, who happens to be one of the most interesting characters ever in the franchise , was given the most chilly breakdown of what lay ahead of him. Initially, both of them don't even understand why are there. What's your name? Gordon was to show him that he previously handled death very casually but now he had to be serious with it.
Jigsaw likes having fun with his victims and no moment made this clear than this scene in Saw II. Here, the psychopath gives his victims the hardest of tasks, partially inspired by the presence of a drug dealer called Xavier Chavez. He tells them that there is a key in a pit full of needles that'll save them. All they have to do is dig through the hundreds of needles. The message? Survival isn't easy. Not in his world at least. Obviously, this task triggers a couple of other events that leave some of the victims dead.
Lynn Denlon Bahar Soomekh to treat the killer and keep him from dying in order for him to complete the tests and finish training her. The comment applies to both him and the doctor. Jigsaw is already dead on the inside, that's why he commits the heinous acts. Lynn was also living a life full of stress. She had never been the same since her son died. Right now, there's a slow-acting poison in your veins. The antidote is inside the safe - the combination to the safe is written on the wall.
Hurry up and program it in but watch your step By the way, that's a flammable substance smeared on your body, so I would be careful with that candle if I were you Hello, Paul. You are a perfectly healthy, sane and middle-class male yet last month you ran a straight razor across your wrist. Did you cut yourself because you truly wanted to die or did you just want some attention? Tonight, you'll show me.
The irony is that if you want to die you just have to stay where you are, but if you want to live, you'll have to cut yourself again. Find the path through the razor-wire to the door but hurry. At that door will lock and then, this room becomes your tomb. Gordon, this is your wake-up call. Everyday of your working life you have given people the news that they're gonna die soon. Now "you" will be the cause of death. Your aim in this game is to kill Adam. You have until six on the clock to do it.
There's a man in the room with you. When there's that much poison in your blood, the only thing left to do - is shoot yourself. There are ways to win this, hidden all around you. Just remember, X marks the spot for the treasure. If you do not kill Adam by six, then Alison and Diana will die, Dr. Let the game begin. Someone help me! Is someone there? Oh shit, I'm probably dead. I'm having a blast! This is the most fun I've had without lubricant!
My last girlfriend was a feminist, vegan punk who broke up with me because she thought I was too angry. Face it Larry, we're both bullshiters. My camera, it doesn't know how to lie. It only shows you what's put right in front of it.