ExifTool direct panel By clicking on ExifTool direct button, you get an input field where ExifTool commands can be entered and executed: Note: Don't need to write "exiftool" here -GUI will take care of calling ExifTool for executing commands you have entered. Note: Even you're in "direct mode", Options menu settings for: Don't backup files when modifying Preserve Date modified of files Ignore existing minor errors are automatically applied by GUI -meaning: these settings are still valid.
If you're a bit familiar with ExifTool usage, then here, you can execute commands not covered by GUI. Usage is very simple: select one or more files enter desired command and press Enter key Btw.
You can find more info here , on homepage of ExifTool. As mentioned, selected files are automatically added to the end of command, so you don't need to type them. However, there are cases, when you should not select source file, i. If you select it anyway, then in this case xmp file will be created first as expected , and after that, xmp file content will be added back to selected file -that's what you don't want.
If you wish to modify all files inside currently selected folder, including files in subfolders , then you should use -r option. Note: If more than one extension is specified, then processed files counter only counts number of files defined by first file extension. Meaning: if more than one extension is specified, files counter might not reflect actual number of files.
Note: You can't "redirect" output in ExifTool direct. If you need to do that i. To access it, you click on combo-box blank on above image and choose it: Once command is chosen, you can execute it by pressing Enter key while you're in edit field.
If needed, you can modify displayed command and execute it, without actually changing predefined command. Deselect -sets predefined commands combobox to "none selected" state. Using args files args file is a text file, usually containing several ExifTool commands, which are all executed by simple call of single args file. Note: File must be saved in the same folder where exiftool.
ExifTool full source version can be downloaded on top of ExifTool main page contains several predefined args files, which are ment for transferring "similar" metadata between sections.
One of them is for example "xmp2iptc. And as said, there are more of them. Keep in mind, that content reflects only last executed command. If, for example, we select two files and execute following ExifTool direct command: -e -gps:all -we will get something like this: Note: In case of errors, Log window with relevant messages automatically appears after ExifTool ends processing files.
Metadata panel By clicking on any button on top row, relevant metadata will be shown -that is, top row is for displaying metadata only. In second row, there's only one button: Workspace.
This button is "pressed" by default on every GUI startup and this can't be changed by user. They're gone.. As explained above see Workspace manager menu , Workspace is fully customizable: user can define which tags he wish to be listed here. And value of any tag listed in Workspace can be edited at will. Edit metadata in Workspace Here's how to edit metadata in Workspace : Click on tag line you wish to modify Press Enter key or click into Value edit field which becomes yellow Write tag value and press Enter key when you're done or press Esc key to cancel editing Tag name you've previously selected becomes yellow and contain value you've just written If needed, pick another tag and repeat process Note: Data isn't saved yet!
If you've changed your mind and don't wish to change particular tag, then select that tag, right-click to show pop-up menu and choose Undo selected editing -this is usefull in cases when many tags are allready edited and not saved. If you've changed your mind completely don't wish to apply any changes , then just click on Workspace button and changes will dissapear.
Note: Changes are lost in most cases when you click elsewhere outside Metadata view area. When you're finished with editing metadata values, click on Save button. Some tag values may require a bit longer text to be entered just a bit longer, please. Posibilities for entering values for such tags: bird -all existing keywords will be deleted and keyword "bird" will be saved.
Advice: Don't write stories into keywords -by it's definition, keyword is ment to be a single word. Pop-up menu in Metadata panel As mentioned, if you right-click on any tag shown in Metadata panel, a pop-up menu will appear: Note: Not all options are available all the time.
Note: Tag names will appear colored as in image above right only if Metadata language in Preferences is set to ExifTool standard short. Undo selected editing -in Workspace only As long edited tag value isn't saved tag name has yellow background , you can "undo" changes for selected tag. Selected tag will be added at the end of existing Workspace list of tags. Once tag is added, you can make further customisation by using Workspace manager.
Remove tag from Workspace -in Workspace only Do you really need to edit so many tags? Remove tag from Custom view -in Custom view only. It is a good practice, to keep only those tags in Custom view, on which you are temporary interested. Marked tag name is shown in red color in any view except in Workspace , so you can locate it easier later. What's new in this release? The key features in Work for Desktop v 7. Download for Windows 8x8 provides two Work for Desktop packages for Windows.
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