Proceed with the directions on your screen to remove Adobe Shockwave Player from your computer. If you do still have Adobe Shockwave on your computer, you should uninstall it. Adobe will no longer be updating it with security patches. Luckily, most web browsers have blocked it and other old web plugins like Java now. Find the Adobe Flash Player plugin. Click disable. To uninstall Flash Player silently, use the standalone uninstaller with the command line -uninstall e.
So, yes, you should probably keep it. If you want, you can choose which websites to allow flash player to run on on a per-website basis. However, the actual name of the product is Flash Player, which should not be confused with Shockwave Player. Open the browser menu and click Add-ons. Select the Plugins tab. Select Shockwave Flash and click Disable. Click the icon of the uninstaller that downloaded in your browser. Even if you do need Flash, we recommend against having Flash automatically load and run on web pages you visit — click-to-play is a bare minimum security feature.
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For example, save it on your Windows desktop. Look at the icons in the system tray for programs that run in the background. Messenger, and games that use Flash any file with a name that ends in.
If you see such an icon, right-click the icon and choose Exit, as shown in this example:. Note: Beginning with Flash Player If you are running the Flash Player uninstaller as part of your deployment process, redeploy any custom changes that you have made to either AutoUpdateDisable or SilentAutoUpdateEnable.
Open your browser and check the status of Flash Player. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Uninstall Flash Player Windows Search.