Usaf vsi veterans program

Post May 07, 89 T We've updated our Privacy Policy and by continuing you're agreeing to the updated terms. This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our Privacy Policy.

If you agree to our use of cookies, please continue to use our site. Or Learn more Continue. Veterans Benefits Network. Share Share with:. Link: Copy link. Here is an idea Make our disability sc effective date for payment the day we were discharged. In my case I agree, the time bomb was their when I got out in my disability should be retroactive to that date!

The fight continues Recoupment Post Sep 13, 83 T Hello all; looks like we are all basically in the same situation. I was separated out failure to promote in , had 14 years active duty and 12 national guard. Net was recouped and disability payments restarted. I had to enter IRR when separated out and became eligible to reserve retirement in May once turning December I turned 60 and retired.

Finally found out about VA form statement in support of claims filled out faxed back requesting audit and results sent to DFAS and myself. I agree that Veterans paid a separation or severance payment should pay back the money if eventually can retire or get disability payments. I also asked for assistance from local congressional office May ; still awaiting any information. Only now since a congressional is entered DFAS will not talk to me about the situation.

I have been trying to follow the forum email trails. Has anything been done legislatively to date this was talked about starting years ago? I have been told can only audit taxes from 3 yrs back at the most and my separation was paid tax year Any information would be greatly appreciated. The Commander-in-Chief, George H. Bush, and Defense Secretary, Dick Cheney, authorized a draw down of standing military forces in resulting in a Our 40 th Communications Group commander called all of the junior officers under his command into the unit board room to announce the draw down and explain the Air Force was first asking for Air Force Reserve Officers to submit requests for the VSI program.

I was a Regular Air Force Officer, well on my way to making the Air Force a life-long career through achievement and recognition. After a brief round of questions and answers the commander went on to explain the Air Force was also going to limit Officer Performance Ratings OPR as a way of forcing individuals electing to remain in the Air Force to retirement out of service.

Anything less than a Definitely Promote was a guarantee you would not get promoted beyond your current rank. As a result of the above we were effectively not given a choice. The Air Force VSI program was also the only real choice to be made in attempt to salvage years of training, dedication and service to our country.

The Air Force VSI program permitted individuals accepted into the program to receive either a lump sum payment or annuity calculated using the total number of years in service and salary. Deep in the midst of economic recession, I cannot currently bare this financial burden.

As I stated above, I gave the remaining 18 months of my enlistment that I was obligated by contract with Department of the Army to complete and the required 3 years of reserve duty, which I was not obligated to do at the end of my enlistment. Amy or the U. Army Reserve and I have not qualified for retainer pay. In the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation, it does not deal with members who did not retire or qualify for retainer pay having the SSB payment recouped.

Later, some members did qualify for retirement and retainer pay. It is my belief that the law for the VA to recoup the SSB payments was for those particular members who retired or qualified for retainer pay. Under recoupment of this program, the Secretary of the Military Department concerned or designee may waive the requirement to repay the voluntary separation pay if it is determined that recovery would be contrary to the best interests of the United States.

I am asking that the Secretary of the Military Department concerned or designee grant me this waiver. I was lead to believe that if I gave up my remainder of my enlistment and obligate myself to 3 years of reserve duty that I was entitled to receive the SSB payment in exchange.

The SSB money is being offered as an incentive to the men and women of the Uniformed Services to encourage them to leave the military early for the Department of Defense to meet its obligation to drawdown the military.

However, VA takes it back to pay our entitlements to VA compensation; how can payment by the government be used to satisfy two different payments? If I have to repay the SSB payment, what did I get from the Department of Defense for my 18 months that remained of my enlistment as well as the 3 years of reserve time?

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