Interactive german language program

If you skip around, you may miss out on crucial building blocks needed later on. A little bit every day is better than huge chunks of time with large gaps in between.

Ideally, you should find a quiet place where you can study without distractions like Facebook or Youtube. There are a number of techniques you can use like making flashcards for vocabulary, either using paper or electronically, having a journal you can jot things down in—writing will help make it stick.

To compensate for the lack of classmates, look for an online community that uses the same software as you to ask questions and for feedback.

Who knows, you might even make some good friends! It can be so easy to get wrapped up in a shiny new course, but just like a balanced diet, a well-rounded set of resources gives your brain everything it needs to learn. It means you have extra opportunities to practice while putting things into context. This program is great for visual learners as Rosetta Stone mimics the natural language learning process of a child, with many visual associations and vocal repetitions of words and phrases.

For example, a picture of a woman will be coupled with the word Frau. The two will be irretrievably bound in your mind—just like when you were a child learning your first language! We use cookies to improve our service for you. You can find more information in our data protection declaration. With the free German courses from DW you can learn German at your own pace: E-learning on the computer, with videos, audio clips and podcasts — or using traditional methods with worksheets you can print out.

Select between German language courses for beginners and advanced levels. Teachers of German as a foreign language can use our multimedia materials in the classroom. From A1 to B1 with your smartphone or tablet - our new language courses enable you to learn German for free, wherever you are.

Use the Deutschtrainer to effectively learn basic vocabulary needed for everyday life and to improve your pronunciation. Visit the new DW website Take a look at the beta version of dw. Go to the new dw. More info OK. Wrong language? They are generally used with an article and have to be declined. Pronouns take the place of nouns and have to be declined.

We make a distinction between personal, possessive, reflexive, interrogative, demonstrative, and indefinite pronouns. Adjectives are descriptive words.

They indicate how someone or something is for example gut, schnell — good, fast. Adjectives can be comparative, and sometimes we have to decline them too.

Adverbs are unchanging words for example hier, gestern, darum, sehr — here, yesterday, therefore, very , which we use to provide information about place, time, reason, or manner. Some adverbs can be comparative.


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