By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Skip to content. Interactive Data Visualization. Alert me to upcoming courses. Group Rates. Learning Outcomes. Students who complete this course will be able to:. Apply principles of perception to data visualization Use software tools to interactively visualize relationships among variables Analyze distributions of data visually.
Use a range of displays to explore data Use parallel coordinate plots, scatterplots, and trellising to analyze multivariate data Visualize hierarchical data with treemap.
Who Should Take This Course. Madhuri Maddipatla. See Instructor Bio. Course Syllabus. Week 1. Information visualization characterization and history Elements of visual perception Software introduction and data preparation merging data, getting started, export.
Week 2. Interaction techniques Distribution analysis Hands-on visual exploration of business data. Week 3. Time Series Multivariate views scatterplots, parallel coordinate plots, trellising Treemaps for hierarchical data. Week 4. Specialized visualizations Video demonstrations of novel techniques From visualization to visual analytics.
Class Dates. Send me reminder for next class. Interactive Data Visualization was one of the best courses I took. I loved it. Enrique Nell. Independent Consultant.
Greg Gazurian. Frequently Asked Questions. Can I transfer or withdraw from a course? Students are entitled to a full refund if a course they are registered for is canceled. You can transfer your tuition to another course at any time prior to the course start date or the drop date, however a transfer is not permitted after the drop date.
Withdrawals on or after the first day of class are entitled to a percentage refund of tuition. Who are the instructors at the Institute? Our faculty members are: Authors of well-regarded texts in their area; Advisory board members; Senior faculty; and Educators who have made important contributions to the field of statistics or online education in statistics. What type of courses does the Institute offer? Do your courses have for-credit options? Is the Institute for Statistics Education certified?
Visit our knowledge base and learn more. Related Courses. Visualization in R with ggplot2. This course will teach you ggplot as an implementation of the grammar of graphics in R. Additional Course Information. Organization of Course. Time Requirements. Homework in this course consists of guided exercises using state of the art software. Course Text.
Options for Credit and Recognition. Supplemental Information. Get Notified. Have a Question About This Course? Janet Dobbins. Sales and Business Development. In addition, some talented individuals and groups have created coherent website that perform an entire suite of calculations, with a logical organization and consistent user interface. Each of these web sites is really a fairly complete online statistical software package in itself.
Here are some of these "comprehensive" statistical analysis web sites:. Check out the PowerAndSampleSize. This site also provides calculators for non-inferiority and equivalence studies. The web pages display graphs that dynamically show how power varies with various design parameters as you change other parameters. It handles tests of means one or two samples , tests of proportions one or two samples , linear regression, generic chi-square and Poisson tests, and an amazing variety of ANOVAs -- 1-, 2-, and 3-way; randomized complete-block; Latin and Greco-Latin squares; 1-stage, 2-stage, and factorial nested designs; crossover; split-plot; strip-plot; and more!
This calculator is implemented in Java, and can be run as a web page, or can be downloaded to your computer to run offline as a stand-alone application.
Sections of the StatPages.